developmental health

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MTAO Conference Take-Aways
March 4, 2020
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This past weekend, I attended the Music Therapy Association of Ontario’s annual conference in my beautiful hometown of Ottawa, Ontario. I was honoured to have received the MTAO’s bursary, covering the cost of registration for the conference.  And now I want to share with all of you, everything that I learned and discovered! The first...
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Some Quotes about Asperger’s Syndrome
November 28, 2019
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I recently finished reading a very sweet novel in which the main character who, although undiagnosed, demonstrates several symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome.  He is a brilliant geneticist and professor at a prestigious university in Australia.  At the beginning of the book, he is asked by his friend and colleague to give a presentation on the...
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Counting Those Railroad Cars
November 25, 2019
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This week, I will be running a group session with the theme of modes of transportation, I can't wait! There will be songs about boats, bicycles, airplanes, buses, and more.  There's also a song about trains, take a look at the video below! This song will be used to practice basic counting, clarity of speech,...
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Learning about ADHD: Blog Post 4/4
October 24, 2019
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This is the final post in a series of blog posts about my learning at the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada's conference last weekend.  If you have followed along for the week, to you I say THANK YOU! If this is the first post you've read, I hope your curiosity will be piqued enough to...
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Learning about ADHD: Blog Post 3/4
October 23, 2019
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Today's post serves as a summary of the second breakout session I attended at the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada's conference.  I am thrilled to be able to share this with you, I hope you enjoy! Breakout session #2"Self-Regulation and ADHD: From Chaos to Smoother Sailing" By Dr. Megan Smith In this presentation, I learned...
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Learning about ADHD: Blog Post 2/4
October 22, 2019
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This is the second of four blog posts in which I am sharing with you some of my learnings from the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada's conference.  I hope you find it as interesting as I do! Breakout session #1"Living with ADHD: Can Self-Awareness set you free?" By Laura MacNiven and Dr. Anne Bailey The...
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Learning about ADHD: Blog Post 1/4
October 21, 2019
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This past Saturday, I attended a conference hosted by the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada.  This conference gave me the opportunity to learn about ADHD and how it affects all aspects of a person’s life.  I’d love to give you some of my take-aways from each of the presentations I attended. Follow my blog over...
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Group Drumming
October 18, 2019
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This week I invested in some new instruments! A set of eight 8-inch fiberskyn frame drums by Remo! Having a set of matching drums is an asset for group music therapy sessions.  In today’s blog post, I’d like to share with you some benefits of group drumming activities for children and adults. Group drumming with...
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